Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Litterin and vandalise

Dear Viewer,

I am Amy Quek and would like to share my view with you about littering and vandalise. Littering is that people have lying some litter in the public place. While vandalism is to damage something especially public property, deliberately for no good reason. I think some children littering they are lazy to throw in the bin . While vandalism are children who wanted to " attract people attention ." Yes , I saw children littering in school cafe , classroom and school field . As vandalism I saw some of my friend vandalise by using a pair of scissor to scratch on the table.I also heard my teacher saying that the boys used damp tissue to throw on the fan . I think this is very inconsidate and irresponsible acts. If we want to stop from littering or vandalise once we caught the culprit we should give them seriously punishment. Then the other won't follow their foot-step. =>

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The earthquake is sudden disturbance with the earth manifested at the surface by a shaking of the ground caused by seismic waves. people who are in high rise to prevent collapse of building and to preserve life have to move to the ground floor. Yes, seismology will study earthquake. Recently china si chuan was badly hit by earthquake and some other country do have earthquake too.Country like china have earthquake because earthquake and volcanoes on the earth surface occur along the margins of tectonic plates. No because earthquake will never happen in singapore.

my mother

I think of making a beaut iful card for my mother .Ithink that mother's day is a day that children should show their appreciation to her . I am my mother are very close .my mother has help me on my school work.To strengthen relationship with my mother is to listern to her advise and work hard on my studies.yes .Because they played an important role in children lives . It is because there are alot of thing still dispend on them .I think I would cook for her.Becauseb cooking take up alotof time and on this special day I hoped my mother will enjoy the meal that i had cooked.

school bus

No,i did not take school bus . I think some of the children behave rowdy in th school bus . yes i totally agreed with ms karen koh that safety belt should install in school buses. due to the safety of the children. i agreed that installing seat belts are costly although children in the bus for about 15 minute ,accident may accure too. Sure that teacher ,parents have keep remaind children that travelling in school bus mustalways behave themselve .

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I eat in the canteen food because i am hungry .my favourite stall is stall2 .because there are alot of favourite food i like .NOT ALL food and drink are healthy, Eg: solf drinkare not healthy because it take lot of syrup.Yes some are healty like fruit juice.No I saw some cockroach crawing around the stall .there are some hand made soya bean drink.i would suggest canteen vendor can bring in soya beancutd for student.I think it can have more varity food and the area are clean.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


HFMD is a virus that spread one two another . wwe can tell by symptom that have ferver spot on hand foot and aurclar in our mouyh.NO,even adult will get it too.If their resistance are low.personal hygiene was impontance.yes my cousin have HFMD . we must have personal hygiene by washing hand beforeand after visting the washing room .we all must remeber personalm hygiene

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


what is friendship? friends is to help each other when they have any problems .friend must take good care of each other .we all must treasure our friend we are lucky to have friend